A Practical Framework To Develop Products Or Services

Key insights from Harvard’s Course “Technology Entrepreneurship: Lab to Market”. The lessons are valuable for aspiring innovators and entrepreneurs.

Ahmar Shah, PhD (Oxford)
6 min readFeb 9, 2022
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This article will summarize some of the key concepts from Harvard’s course (Technology Entrepreneurship: Lab to Market, available via the edX platform). The overall idea of the course is to show how entrepreneurs match new technologies (inventions) to customer needs and launch successful businesses.

I have thoroughly enjoyed learning from this course and I intend to summarize the key concepts in a sequence of articles here.

This course introduces various tools/frameworks that you can then systematically apply in your entrepreneurial journey. There are numerous factors (including luck) that will determine if your new innovative venture will be a success or a failure.

However, a systematic approach greatly increases the odds of success. And that is the real value of taking such courses!

Why Not Take The Course Directly from edX Instead of Reading This Article?



Ahmar Shah, PhD (Oxford)

Scientist (several research publications in prestigious journals such as The Lancet, Brain, Thorax, IEEE Transactions), love writing for meaning & impact…